POS System Malaysia

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BMO POS System Reports Towards Data-Driven SME and Small Businesses

“What does it take to have a successful business?”, Did you know that 1 of the aspects of a successful business is to consider the advantages of having BMO POS (Point of sale) reports? POS Reports are reports that are created based on the data gathered from your day-to-day operations in the BMO POS System. The data collected will help you and manage your business more efficiently on a daily basis. These reports provide detailed information with a variety of formats to help businesses to analyze sales, track revenue, evaluate employee performance, make inventory purchases, and many more.

Many business owners are having a hard time identifying the different types of POS Reports, don’t worry anymore because POSMarket has listed out all the BMO POS system reports that can be generated from our POS System. Take a look at the descriptions and the photos for your reference below!

reports using smartphones

Reports to be viewed in Smartphone

With everyone owning a smartphone, it makes people more convenient in their daily lives. People used to view PDF files, E-mails, attachments using a desktop or laptop. Now, most of the things can be done using a smartphone, which includes viewing reports of your BMO POS System on your smartphone! Just install the BizCloud App on your phone and you’re ready to roll! BizCloud App is both supported by Android and App Store!

pos system report pdf csv file

A report in CSV or PDF File

You may export the reports in CSV files or PDF files. Reports such as item sales report, receipt log report, and daily sales report. We have reported in default in our system, but if you are not satisfied and wanted a change in your reports, you may talk to us about your report’s customization!

POS System Report
Report TypesDescriptionRemarks
Cash Drawer Triggered ReportNotice text, notice type, usercode, create on(date time), total times open by user
Category Report (Today)Item category, item code, price, quantity sold, sales, cost, profit and date(time), grand total of sales cost and profit.
Customer Expenses ReportCustomer name, total transaction, last transaction date, total expenses
Customer Locker ReportLocker ID, customer name, item name, quantity store, start date, end date insert by
Item Sales ReportItem Code, category, mfgcode, total quantity, grand total of quantity
Membership ReportCustomer name, membership category, membership start date, membership end date
Petty Cash Report (Today)Ref date, description, ref no, debit, credit, balance, usercode, grand total of debit and credit
Petty Cash ReportReference date, description, reference no, debit, credit, balance, insert by, grand total of debit and credit
Reorder Report (Today)Category, item code, mfgcode, quantity on hand, reorder level
Voucher Used ReportCustomer name, voucher name, serial number, price, status, date used
Aging ReportReceipt/Invoice Date, Customer Name, Total Amount, Paid Amount, Balance Amount, Aging duration (days)
Payment Types with SalesPayment Types, Paid Amount, Bank Charges, Total Paid Amount, Sales, Tax Amount, Service Charge
Customer Purchase HistoryPurchase Date, Transaction Number, Item Code, Quantity, Price, Discount, Gross Price, Net Price
Sales By Tax TypeSales Date, Payment Type, Sales Amount, Net Sales, SR Sales, ZRL Sales, ZRE Sales, SR-0 Sales, Tax Amount*Reminder: please save it as .CSV to view the report, if select too many type of tax code.
Summary ReportCashier Total, Payment Type Total, Payment Types, Aging Total, Tax Total, Summary Activity
Daily Z-ReportItem Category, Receipt Sales, Total Cash Collected/Uncollected, Total Tax, Total Service Charge, Refund Total, Total Cash In/Out, Cash in Drawer, Change, Float Balance, Net Sales, Gross Sales, Total Receipts
eceive & Adjustment Stock ReportItem Name, Adjustment/Receive Date, Adjustment/Receive Description, Quantity, Cost
Receive Stock ReportItem Name, Receive Date, Receive Description, Quantity, Cost
Food and Beverages Ingredient UsageDate, Ingredient Name, Total Ingredient Usage (e.g. kg, g, etc)Metric units can be customized by user
Ingredient Usage with DetailsTransaction Date, Ingredient Name, Transaction Number, Item Name (e.g dish name, drinks name), Quantity Ordered, Ingredient Usage Quantity
Need more POS System reports? Contact us to let us know how we can help you.
You can also WhatsApp us @ +6016 450 2380 or call us at
KL +603 2780 3880
Penang +604 2024 033
Johor Bahru +607 4890 353

Example of BMO POS System Reports

Ingredients Report
*Click image for a clearer view

Item Sales Report 80mm
*Click image for a clearer view

Item Sales Report A4
*Click image for a clearer view

Z Report 80mm
*Click image for a clearer view

Z Report A4
*Click image for a clearer view