POS System Malaysia

icrm contact list manager

Managing with the BMO Cloud

By using a combination of quotations and service records for each customer, you can run your business smoothly without worrying about data and systems not integrating or being at the tip of your fingers as all info will be available to you at the BMO cloud.

You can now even manage your Sales Personnel, review quotes, and enhance Customer Service all from the ever convenient cloud.

Click here to contact POSMarket today to find out more about CRM Quotation

Online CRM Software

Own Contact List

  1. Each employee will get a unique login username and password. They will have their own contact list to manage which is separate from others. The admin can configure this list to be shared among employees.

Handle Customers Service History Efficiently

  1. Create service history based on the customer.
  2. The service record is very comprehensive and contains information about the task done for that particular customer. It can be created by manyassigned to many, and have many reminders.

Generate Quotations From The System Effortlessly

  1. The employee can generate quotations directly from the system into a PDF file.
  2. There is various quotation status for easy reporting purpose.

Define Quotation Status & Generate Reports Based On It

CRM Software Installer

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is created to benefit businesses of all sizes, SOHO, Small-Medium Enterprises, and even industrial businesses. CRM Software makes it easy for you to manage your sales and information whenever you sell your products.

With CRM software, you can continue your job within the application whenever you are away from your office or with no access to an internet connection. This is very convenient for you if you often travel for business or work out of your office.

You can always carry out your usual tasks within the data set without the need of an internet connection. Data changes that you have made will be synced to the master database when you reconnect to online status.

You can also:

  • create quotes, orders and invoices
  • keep records of clients with detailed contact information
  • keep track of past services
  • set payment and fee reminders
  • track communication records with customers via fax, email, phone calls etc

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

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  1. For the CRM part, we must create a new task for each customer.
  2. Insert all required information for the task.
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  1. Insert the customer detail under the “New Service History” when they come to service each time.
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  1. All the task list will be listed under
    (CRM > Task List).
  2. You can search the task from date to date on the search function.
pos system car workshop crm 3
  1. When the customer pays, insert the paid amount here.
  2. Save the service history by clicking the “Save As New”.

Contact Manager Software

It is time to up sales your products

Contact Management Software includes advanced features that enable users to manage profitable customers, leads, and opportunities efficiently. The dedicated modules in Contact List Manager CRM software can help your organization track customer source, manage sales lifecycle, annual membership, monthly billing, and other related business activities.

contact manager software

Contact Management Software Features:

  • Offline CRM Software
  • One-Time Payment RM1400
  • FREE 3 Years Online Support
  • IC Card Reader Support
  • Record Customers Information Including Alternate Addresses, Educations, etc.
  • Support Stand Alone Or Client And Server Architecture

Contact List Manager

RM 1400

One Time Payment Only

iCRM Features

As a business grows, more and more there is a need for better management of each segment. The iCRM system is an integral part of running your businesses efficiently and without having to worry about follow-ups with customers, losings sales or just dropping the ball generally.

SMS Marketing

  • Integrated iSMS.com.my
  • Alternate SIM card SMS gateway support via Xpress Waiter App
  • Send and get the reply of your contact list
  • Etc.

Manage Your Customers

  • Save your contacts at one place
  • Group your contacts
  • Share your contacts with colleagues by assigning
  • Manage monthly payments

Membership Management

  • Manage membership expiry and renew
  • Manage membership category
  • Manage member upline

Service Records

  • Record every detail and interaction with customers
  • Searchable service records
  • Group it into cases

Contact Group

  • Group your customers into multiple groups with or without payment
  • Manage payment period monthly, yearly, etc.
  • Manage multiple fees

Events Management

  • Manage appointment
  • Create multiple events
  • Enter events attendance and event person in charge
  • Send event invitation to customers with QR Code attendance