POS System Malaysia

  1. Register and download POS from POSMARKET

a. Activate POS

    1. Make sure internet connection active
    2. Click “Activate” Below login button
    3. Registration box pop up, click “Activate”.

b. Update POS

    1. Go towww.posmarket.com.my
    2. Go to “Download” > Software, Driver & Brochure
    3. Download the latest BizCloud POS
    4. Before installing, open Bizcloud POS > System Tab > Click Backup now
    5. Close Bizcloud POS
    6. Run the downloaded file & Install the latest version, done.

c. Contact online support

    1. Contact us – KL Office: +603 2780 3880 | PG Office: +604 2024 033 | JB Office: +607 4890 353
    2. Operation hour
      Monday – Saturday 9am – 6pm
      Sunday 2pm – 6pm

d. Feature add on

    1. Make sure internet connection is active
    2. Open Bizcloud POS, click “Pay” button. It will direct you to a webpage
    3. Click modules you need,
    4. Click “Pay Offline Client”
    5. Make Payment online
    6. Repeat step from 1.a, done.

e. Where is the Company Code

    1. Open Bizcloud POS, click “Setting” button
    2. Enter admin login ID & Password
    3. Company code will be at the bottom after company ID in General Tab

f. Multiple operation hour

    1. Open Bizcloud POS, click “Setting” button
    2. Go to General tab & click Attendance/Time
    3. Set you operation hour & click “Force Daily End hour”, re-login Bizcloud POS, done
  1. Receipt

a. First receipt

    1. Open Bizcloud POS & Login
    2. Click an item/scan a barcode
    3. Enter payment value in tendered
    4. Click Cash, done

b. Reprint

    1. Go to Receipt Tab & click Receipt List
    2. Search receipt date & receipt number
    3. Right click on the receipt
    4. Select Reprint, done

c. Perform discount

    1. Open & Login to Bizcloud POS
    2. Itemized Discount – Select an item& click on the “DISC” / % column
    3. Receipt Discount – After entering all item, click “DONE” button on the right
    4. Click “Extra Discount” on the left
    5. Enter your discount, done.

d. Void

    1. Go to Receipt Tab & click Receipt List
    2. Search receipt date & receipt number
    3. Right click on the receipt
    4. Select void & key in Admin ID & Password
    5. Choose whether customer return the item
    6. Choose whether refund made to customer
    7. Enter reason
    8. Voided receipt will be shown in grey color

e. Real delete for optimization

    1. Go to System Tab > Click Backup now
    2. Go to Receipt Tab & click Receipt List
    3. Search receipt date & receipt number
    4. Select all/multiple receipt for delete
    5. Click “Receipt” tab > select Delete Receipt
    6. Click Confirm to delete, done

f. Design own receipt layout

    1. Go to Receipt Tab > Report Designer
    2. Click Designer, create your own receipt layout/report, done

g. Service charge

    1. Go to system, POS Setting,
    2. Click TAX/VAT/GST
    3. Enter your Service charge details
    4. Click Enable Service Charge, click Save
    5. Re-login, done

h. SST

    1. Go to system > POS Setting
    2. Click TAX/VAT/GST, enter your SST details
    3. Click enable Tax, click Save
    4. Re-login, done

i. GST

    1. Go to system > POS Setting
    2. Click TAX/VAT/GST, enter your GST details
    3. Click enable Tax, click Save
    4. Re-login, done

j. Partial payment

    1. Select Item, enter amount customer paid
    2. Click order, done
    3. Edit the receipt for next payment.

k. Different payment type

    1. Select item, click Other
    2. Select payment types & enter details

l. Assign service by

    1. Select item, Tick Check box for the item beside “Serv by”
    2. Click “Serv by” & select employee name
    3. One Receipt/Item may be assigned with different/several employee, done.

m. Combine and split receipt

    1. Combine Receipt, create order
    2. Go to receipt tab & click combine receipts
    3. Search receipt & select receipt on both column, click combine, done
    4. combined receipt will be shown in grey.

n. QR code for item purchase

    1. Go to Inventory > Inventory list
    2. Create New Item with barcode
    3. Item will be created with QR Code
    4. Right click on the QR code & save
    5. Customer scan the QR Code and made order online
    6. Go to Receipt > QR Code online order
    7. Search date & Check order
    8. select confirm/reject order, done

o. Set receipt header

    1. Go to System > POS Setting
    2. Select Receipt tab, enter Header Details
    3. Upload Image for logo (A4 on the Left, 80mm on the Right)
    4. Check Use Header/ Use Image
    5. Save, done

p. Delete/inactivate item

    1. Go To inventory > inventory list
    2. Search & select item
    3. Right click item to edit
    4. Set Active/Inactive (bottom on the left)
    5. Save, done
    6. Deactivate item won’t be shown in the inventory list

q. Serial control

    1. Go to inventory > inventory list
    2. Create item > Select TRUE for Serial control, click receive
    3. Enter Serial Number/IMEI/Remarks
    4. Quantity will be added on based on Serial Number/IMEI entered
    5. Click apply to receive, done

r. Physical control, reorder level

    1. Go to inventory > inventory list
    2. Create item > Select TRUE for Physical Check & enter reorder level (Quantity)
    3. Alert will pop up if reaches reorder level
    4. POS won’t allow receipt creation if quantity sell exceed item’s physical level

s. Item expiry date

    1. Go to inventory > inventory list
    2. Create item > Select TRUE for MFG expiry control
    3. Receive item (must enter expiry date)
    4. Alert will pop up once expiry date near

t. Adjust receipt font size

    1. Go to System > POS setting
    2. Click on Receipt list/ layout
    3. Click Configure
    4. adjust font size according then Save

u. 58 mm, 80 mm, A4 receipts

    1. Go to system > POS setting
    2. Click on Receipt List/ layout
    3. configure your printer setting & details
    4. 58mm & 80mm share same configuration
  1. Cash drawer

a. Open

    1. Operation > Open Cash Drawer

b. Setup

    1. no driver is needed for cash drawer
    2. direct connect the RJ9 to the back of the receipt printer and during printing process, the cash drawer will automatically be triggered and open
    3. if receipt printer is not being used, one can always opt for a Cash Drawer Trigger.
  1. Interface

a. Arranging

    1. Go to system > interface
    2. Choose layout preferences & click save
    3. Re-login the system to see changes

b. Create payment shortcut

    1. System > Payment Setting
    2. In the middle bottom part of the page, select the desirable shortcut and tick Separate Button for Easy Access

c. View alerts

    1. Alert button is at the top right
    2. Go to System > Interface to enable Alert button if the button can’t be found
    3. To remain the alert, just close the form
    4. if wish to clear the alert just click all read
    5. Can choose to print out the alert

d. Setup keyboard binding

    1. System > Key Binding
    2. Select the process that need to be bind, and press the desirable key, and save.

e. Login method

    1. Username & password
    2. RFID card
    3. Magnetic card

f. Setup web cam snapshot with receipt

    1.  Go to Setting on the login page > Webcam
    2. Select the desirable webcam, save.
  1. Reports

a. Generate summary report

    1. Reports are at Receipts > Reports

b. Auto email sending

    1. Email details can be set under System > Vocotext Email Setting
    2. Under General, select the report that you would like to receive
    3. Under Email, key in the necessary details

c. Design own report

    1. DIY report is at Receipts > Report Designer
  1. Item

a. Import

    1. At inventory list, Item > Import Items
    2. template can be downloaded for reference
    3. CSV files must be saved separately with UTF-8 format

b. Create category

    1. Inventory list > Item Setup > Category
    2. Child category is supported

c. Create item

    1. On the main page, under Item > New Item

d. Set Item

    1. Go to inventory list
    2. Create a new item with set price
    3. Go to Set Tab, create set name & select corresponding item
    4. attach set item & click save, done

e. Stock adjustment

    1. At inventory list, right click item to be adjust, and select Stock Adjustment
    2. Once in Adjustment summary page, hit the Adjust button.
    3. Enter the desirable quantity and hit save
  1. Item price

a. Edit

    1. In the inventory list, double click the item, you will be presented with multiple settings of that selected item.

b. Multiple price for item

    1. Under item edit page, select the Prices tab
    2. Select the default pricing, make necessary changes, and hit Insert.

c. Change price on the fly

    1. Setting can be found under item edit page.
    2. Once the item is selected in a transaction, a pop out windows will appear to let you to enter the desirable price.
  1. Item option

a. Create options

    1. At inventory list, under Item > Item Option
    2. Hit NEW, key in the item option name and price (if any), and hit SAVE
    3. After save, select the newly added item option, and select the item to be included with the option, and hit SAVE.
  1. Barcode

a. Create custom barcode

    1. Customer unique barcode can be generated for each item using the Generate button in the item edit page

b. Print many barcode

    1. In the inventory, select the item to be printed, and click Barcode > Print Barcode
    2. Make the necessary changes on the setting, as well as the quantity to print under COPY column, and hit PRINT

c. Barcode set

    1. Weight scale barcode label set is under Barcode > Barcode Set in inventory list.
    2. Hit NEW, key in necessary details, SAVE.
    3. Create/edit item for correct barcode setting
  1. Printer

a. Set one printer

    1. System > POS Setting > Printer
    2. Select the desirable printer under each category, and hit Save

b. Set multiple printers

    1. System > POS Setting > Printer
    2. Select the desirable printer for each item printer then click save

c. Item print to different printer

    1. Under Category Printer Settings, pair the category with the correct printer unit, and hit Add. Once done, hit Save.
  1. Admin user / employee

a. Create

    1. Go to Human Resource Management
    2. Click Employee > employee list
    3. Click Duplicate

b. Setup user permission

    1. Go to Human Resource Management
    2. Click Employee > employee list
    3. Select Permission
    4. Edit Permission & click save

c. Employee commission

    1. Select Edit, go to Agent commission
    2. insert the commission amount

d. Capture attendance with software

    1. Login to POS, click Tab Attendance
    2. Select Attendance Clock
    3. Insert username and password.

e. Capture attendance with finger print device

    1. Login to POS, click Tab Attendance
    2. Select Attendance Clock
    3. Using thumbprint reader.

f. Sync attendance to online

    1. Login to attendance, click Sync

g. E-leave management

    1. Login at login.bmo.my
    2. Click E-leave > apply Leave
    3. Select leave type, choose date, insert description, select submit.

h. E-claim management

    1. Login at login.bmo.my
    2. Click E-Claim > Apply Claim.
    3. Insert title claim.
    4. Add claim form, select date, claim type, attach and insert amount.
    5. Click submit and email.
  1. Backup

a. Stand alone

    1. Log in to POS, go to System > Backup now
    2. go to C:/drive and copy bmo folder.

b. Client server

    1. go to C:/drive, copy bmobackup folder.

c. Formatting your PC (Please consult us first)

d. License transfer

    1. Need to inform us for license activation
    2. Charge RM500
  1. Petty Cash
  2. a. Manage, insert, remove

      1. Create petty cash type
      2. Go to Petty cash > Petty cash type.
      3. Petty Cash In, go to Petty Cash > P.T Cash, Cash In
      4. Petty Cash Out, go to Petty Cash > P.T Cash > petty Cash Out

    b. Change shift

      1. Cash out all in petty cash.
      2. Cash In and change petty cash type to that shift.
  3. Customers

a. Create, delete, birthday

    1. Create – Click Contact, click New contact
    2. Delete – Go to contact list
    3. Select customer, right click and delete.

b. Open Quotation

    1. Select contact, go to New Quotation

c. Aging report

    1. Go to contact List.
    2. Click Report and go to Aging report.

d. Prepaid credits

    1. Go to contact list > Select and Edit contact
    2. Go to Credit, select prepaid credit history.
    3. Can Add, Deduct, Reset
    4. Create item with prepaid value – create item, enter reload credit just below remark in item

e. Deposits

    1. Open POS, enter contact name & item
    2. Enter tendered deposit, click order

f. Purchase history

    1. Contact list > Select contact > Right Click > Purchase History.

g. Order status, take away, add on

    1. Open Bizcloud POS, click Status button
    2. Create status in status setting
    3. Select status, done

h. Appointment

    1. contact > Appointment > List.
    2. Click New to add Appointment.
    3. Set reminder, done
  1. Membership

a. Discount

    1. Go to contact List > Membership > Membership category
    2. Select category > enable membership discount > insert min qty > insert category discount > insert discount amount and discount type.<
    3. Click Add discount.

b. Point, redemption

    1. Inventory List > affiliate > Affiliate model.
    2. Insert model name, type = point ratio, commission point 1 = RM 1
    3. Go to affiliate tool > select model
    4. enable/disable point collecting for item
    5. Enable/disable point redemption for item

c. Recurrence billing

    1. Create item > go to tab Prices.
    2. Select member categories
    3. At recurrence – insert payment type
    4. Go to Contact list – Must select same member category with recurrence you set.
    5. Go to contact > recurrence to check.
  1. Lockers

a. Insert and remove

    1. For insert, go to locker button,
    2. Click ‘Input’ tab, Insert details at input tab
    3. Click insert button, message ‘items inserted’ will be display
    4. To remove, go to locker button, click ‘Output’ tab, check details at output tab
    5. Click take out button
    6. Message ‘items taken out’ will be display

b. Take photo of items

    1. Go to locker button, click ‘Input’ tab
    2. Click ‘Get IMG’ button, Choose image
    3. Click ‘Open’

c. Store for next visit

    1. Go to locker button, click ‘Input’ tab
    2. Insert date in and expiry date<
    3. Click ‘Insert’ button
  1. Shop layout

a. Table

    1. Go to system → shop layout design
    2. Click the table and the icon will appear in the layout field
    3. Drag and move the icon, set the name
    4. Click ‘Save’ to save the layout

b. Change layout type

    1. Go to system → shop layout design
    2. Click setting button
    3. Change layout theme, click ‘Save’

c. Change table

    1. Click ‘Layout’ button
    2. Select the table user wish to change to
    3. Click ‘Change table’
    4. Choose the table that wish to change to
    5. Click ‘Change’ to finish  the edit
  1. FTP

a. Setup for mall/server submission

    1. Click ‘Reports’ under Receipts tab
    2. Click ‘Setting’ inside the Reports windows
    3. In the section of FTP, ticked the ‘Enable’
    4. Fill in FTP Address, Port, Username, Password
    5. Choose the type of report that need to upload, choose the date and time for the report upload
    6. Click ‘Save’ button to save the report
  1. Vendor

a. Create

    1. Go to inventory → vendor → new vendor
    2. Fill in the vendor information and item from the vendor
    3. Click ‘Save’ to save the vendor

b. Open P.O

a. Go to inventory → vendor → new purchase order, fill in the purchase order information. Click ‘Save’.

  1. Queue

a. Setup order queue

    1. Go to system → pos setting → click ‘Queue’ button, set the queue configurations
    1. Ticked enable at the queue manager
    2. Click ‘Save’ button

b. LED display

    1. Go to system → pos setting → click ‘Queue’. Set the layout in queue manager to ‘LED Display’
    2. Set port, click ‘Save’ button
  1. Vehicle

a. Enter vehicle database

    1. Go to Vehicle tab, click Search Vehicle
    2. Click New, enter vehicle details
    3. Click Save As New class=”c2″>button
  1. Pet

a. Enter pet database

    1. Go to Contact, select Pet
    2. Select New Pet, enter pet details
    3. Click Save As New button
  1. Optical job sheet

a. Create and retrieve job sheets

    1. To create – Go to Contact, select Contact List, select a contact
    2. Go to Jobs, select Job Sheet
    3. Enter job sheet details, click Save As New
    4. To retrieve – Go to Contact, select Contact List, go to Jobs, select Job List
  1. Customer display

a. Setup

    1. Go to Login Page, click Setting button
    2. Enter login username & password
    3. Go to General section, go to Devices
    4. Tick Enable Stand Display
    5. Enter Port and Baud 9600 in setting
    6. If you’re using LED display, tick LED Display
    7. Click Save button

b. LED as customer display

    1. Go to System, select LED Announcement<
    2. >Select LED Program, enter LED display port
    3. Enter text and action, click Send
  1. BizCloud (cloud service)

a. Sync data

    1. Make sure internet connection active
    2. Go to System, select Sync Now

b. View data, report online

    1. Login to your account at login.bmo.my
    2. Go to POS tab, select POS Report
    3. Select the report you want to see

c. Multiple branches

    1. Login to your account at login.bmo.my
    2. Go to Admin, select Branches
    3. Click New Branch to create new branch code, copy branch code to POS software
  1. Android Express Waiter

a. Install, setup

    1. Go to google play store
    2. Download & install XpressWaiter apps

b. Connect

    1. Check your POS IP address in your PC
    2. Click Windows + R & type cmd then enter
    3. Type ipconfig then enter, write down your IP Address, EXAMPLE: 192.168.X.XXX
    4. Open XpressWaiter apps, click Setting
    5. Enter your IP address at “POS Terminal IP Address”, done
    6. Log in by POS ID at XpressWaiter
  1. Touch screen

a. Setup

    1. Insert installation CD or download form www.posmarket.com.my
    2. Run driver installer until finish
    3. System may will prompt for calibration
    4. Do 4 points calibration by touching 4 corner point on screen

b. All in one touch screen setup

    1. Download form www.posmarket.com.my
    2. Run eGalax Touch application
    3. Select 4 points calibration
    4. Do 4 points calibration by touching 4 corner point on screen
  1. SMS

a. Register and setup iSMS

    1. Go to www.isms.com.my/register.php
    2. Send SSM copy and business card for verification. Account will be set up after verification.
    3. Free demo credits will be given for testing

b. Send SMS

    1. Go to compose SMS page. Enter contact number, type SMS message, Click Send.
  1. Bookstore

a. Insert ISBN and publisher database

    1. Create Book Publisher – Go to Inventory List. Click Publisher, Click New button
    2. Enter Publisher Name, Click Save.
    3. Enter Book Properties – Go to Inventory List, click New Item button
    4. Go to Properties Tab, enter Book Properties, click Save.
  1. Weight machine

a. Connect to POS

    1. Connect Weight Machine to POS – Plug Weight Machine cable to PC
    2. Get COM Port number from Device Manager.
    3. Go to login page, click Setting.
    4. Enter username & password
    5. Go to general section
    6. Go to Weight Scale tab, tick Enable
    7. Select correct COM Port number
    8. Select weight scale model, click Save.
    9. Creating Sales – open POS > select item
    10. Click on QTY column, click Get Weight button, done

b. Weight machine with barcode

    1. Connect Weight Scale Machine to PC using LAN cable, disconnect another internet connection
    2. At Weight Scale Machine, press FUNC button, press 9002 and Enter
    3. Set weight Scale Machine an IP address
    4. PC –, Weight Scale – 192.168.1.XX
    5. Download weight scale software in www.posmarket.com.my
    6. Software name EN3.1
    7. Install Barcode Printing Weight Scale Machine software in PC, run software
    8. Go to communication, Select Ethernet
    9. Enter Weight Scale Machine IP address
    10. Select Enable
    11. Go to merchandise > enter item details
    12. Please make sure both items created in weight scale and Bizcloud POS are same
    13. click download button to send data to weight scale
    14. Create Barcode set in Bizcloud POS – go to User Manual 9.C
    15. Press PLU number of the item > place the item on the weight scale, press Print
    16. Scan the barcode in Bizcloud POS, done
  1. MyCard reader

a. Setup

    1. Plug MyKad Reader to USB port
    2. Install driver from CD, login into POS
    3. Go to Contact, select New Contact
    4. Insert MyKad into MyKad Reader
    5. Click read MyKad button
    6. MyKad info will be displayed in Contact
  1. Coupon (Offline)

a. Create coupon

    1. Go to Inventory, select Coupon (Offline)
    2. Enter coupon number, coupon value
    3. Enter coupon type (Amount or Percent)
    4. Set coupon expiry date
    5. Click Add button to add coupon

b. Use coupon

    1. During payment, click Other button to select other payment type
    2. Select coupon, enter coupon number and click Search button
    3. Click on coupon number to select
  1. Voucher

a. Create voucher

    1. Go to Inventory List, create new item
    2. Enter item name Voucher
    3. Set voucher value
    4. Set item into voucher category
    5. Set item as serial control
    6. Click Save As New Item

b. Receive voucher

    1. Go to Inventory List, select item voucher
    2. Click receive button
    3. Enter voucher serial number
    4. Set serial number expiry date<
    5. Click Add button to add serial number
    6. >Click Apply button to save

c. Use voucher

    1. During payment, click Other button to select other payment type
    2. Select voucher, enter voucher number and click Search button
    3. Click on voucher number to select
  1. Queue Pager

a. Activate all pager on station

    1. Press 0
    2. Press Call button
    3. All pager on station will turn on

b. Deactivate all pager on station

    1. Press 00
    2. Press Call button
    3. All pager on station will turn off

c. Call all pager

    1. Press 000, press Call button
    2. All pager that are not on station will ring
    3. Place pager to dock station to stop ring

d. Call specific pager number

    1. Press Pager Number, press Call button
    2. Pager with same number will Ring
    3. Place pager to dock station to stop ring<

e. Change pager number

    1. Place pager to dock station
    2. Press and hold pager power key for 3 seconds
    3. 3 LED will power on, meaning pager is in register state
    4. Press new number on station
    5. Press Call button to set new number on pager
    6. Press and hold pager power button again for 3 seconds to exit register state